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Friday, July 12, 2013

  • 4:17 PM

Assalamualaikum... :) sobat blogger, gimana puasanya ??? saya harap lancar-lancar aja, oke saya mau ngasih sedikit cara mengatasi error A PHP Error was encountered  Severity: Warning  Message: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set()  Filename: libraries/Email.php. Ini adalah error yang saya oprek semalaman suntuk, eww... kerasa gak??? berkat do'a yang saya panjatkan terus, akhirnya saya dapat menaklukan error  A PHP Error was encountered  Severity: Warning  Message: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set()  Filename: libraries/Email.php .

oke langsung aja bagaimana Cara memperbaiki A PHP Error was encountered  Severity: Warning  Message: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set()  Filename: libraries/Email.php ???

saya meggunakan framework CodeIgniter dan menggunakan library DX_Auth untuk memanajemeni user nya, nah sekarang buka file dx_auth.php di system/application/config/ . Setelah itu edit beberapa scriptnya, sesuaikan dengan script dibawah ini :

<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| DX Auth Config
| -------------------------------------------------------------------

| Website details
| These details are used in email sent by DX Auth library.

$config['DX_website_name'] = 'Your Website';
$config['DX_webmaster_email'] = 'webmaster@yourhost.com';

| Database table
| Determines table that used by DX Auth.
| 'DX_table_prefix' allows you to specify table prefix that will be use by the rest of the table. 
| For example specifying 'DX_' in 'DX_table_prefix' and 'users' in 'DX_users_table',
| will make DX Auth user 'DX_users' as users table.

$config['DX_table_prefix'] = '';
$config['DX_users_table'] = 'users';
$config['DX_user_profile_table'] = 'user_profile';
$config['DX_user_temp_table'] = 'user_temp';
$config['DX_user_autologin'] = 'user_autologin';
$config['DX_roles_table'] = 'roles';
$config['DX_permissions_table'] = 'permissions';
$config['DX_login_attempts_table'] = 'login_attempts';

| Password salt
| You can add major salt to be hashed with password. 
| For example, you can get salt from here: https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm
| Note: 
| Keep in mind that if you change the salt value after user registered, 
| user that previously registered cannot login anymore.

$config['DX_salt'] = '';

| Registration related settings
| 'DX_email_activation' = Requires user to activate their account using email after registration.
| 'DX_email_activation_expire' = Time before users who don't activate their account getting deleted from database. Default is 48 Hours (60*60*24*2).
| 'DX_email_account_details' =  Email account details after registration, only if 'DX_email_activation' is FALSE.

$config['DX_email_activation'] = FALSE; 
$config['DX_email_activation_expire'] = 60*60*24*2; 
$config['DX_email_account_details'] = FALSE; 

| Login settings
| 'DX_login_using_username' = Determine if user can use username in username field to login.
| 'DX_login_using_email' = Determine if user can use email in username field to login.
| You have to set at least one of settings above to TRUE. 
| 'DX_login_record_ip' = Determine if user IP address should be recorded in database when user login.
| 'DX_login_record_time' = Determine if time should be recorded in database when user login.

$config['DX_login_using_username'] = TRUE;
$config['DX_login_using_email'] = TRUE;
$config['DX_login_record_ip'] = TRUE;
$config['DX_login_record_time'] = TRUE;

| Auto login settings
| 'DX_autologin_cookie_name' = Determine auto login cookie name.
| 'DX_autologin_cookie_life' = Determine auto login cookie life before expired. Default is 2 months (60*60*24*31*2).

$config['DX_autologin_cookie_name'] = 'autologin';
$config['DX_autologin_cookie_life'] = 60*60*24*31*2;

| Login attempts
| 'DX_count_login_attempts' = Determine if DX Auth should count login attempt when user failed to login.
| 'DX_max_login_attempts' =  Determine max login attempt before function is_login_attempt_exceeded() returning TRUE.

$config['DX_count_login_attempts'] = TRUE;
$config['DX_max_login_attempts'] = 1; 

| Forgot password settings
| 'DX_forgot_password_expire' = Time before forgot password key become invalid. Default is 15 minutes (900 seconds).

$config['DX_forgot_password_expire'] = 900;

| Captcha
| You can set catpcha that created by DX Auth library in here.
| 'DX_captcha_directory' = Directory where the catpcha will be created. 
| 'DX_captcha_fonts_path' = Font in this directory will be used when creating captcha.
| 'DX_captcha_font_size' = Font size when writing text to captcha. Leave blank for random font size.
| 'DX_captcha_grid' = Show grid in created captcha.
| 'DX_captcha_expire' = Life time of created captcha before expired, default is 3 minutes (180 seconds).
| 'DX_captcha_expire' = Determine captcha case sensitive or not.

$config['DX_captcha_path'] = './captcha/';
$config['DX_captcha_fonts_path'] = $config['DX_captcha_path'].'fonts'; 
$config['DX_captcha_width'] = 320;
$config['DX_captcha_height'] = 95;
$config['DX_captcha_font_size'] = ''; 
$config['DX_captcha_grid'] = TRUE;
$config['DX_captcha_expire'] = 180; 
$config['DX_captcha_case_sensitive'] = TRUE; 

| If you are planning to use reCAPTCHA function, you have to set reCAPTCHA key here
| You can get the key by registering at http://recaptcha.net

$config['DX_recaptcha_public_key'] = ''; 
$config['DX_recaptcha_private_key'] = '';

| Determines URI that used for redirecting in DX Auth library.
| 'DX_deny_uri' = Forbidden access URI.
| 'DX_login_uri' = Login form URI.
| 'DX_activate_uri' = Activate user URI.
| 'DX_reset_password_uri' = Reset user password URI.
| These value can be accessed from DX Auth library variable, by removing 'DX_' string.
| For example you can access 'DX_deny_uri' by using $this->dx_auth->deny_uri in controller.

$config['DX_deny_uri'] = '/auth/deny/';
$config['DX_login_uri'] = '/auth/login/';
$config['DX_banned_uri'] = '/auth/banned/';
$config['DX_activate_uri'] = '/auth/activate/';
$config['DX_reset_password_uri'] = '/auth/reset_password/';

| Helper configuration
| Configuration below is actually not used in function in DX_Auth library.
| They just used to help you coding more easily in controller.
| You can set it to blank if you don't need it, or even delete it.
| However they can be accessed from DX Auth library variable, by removing 'DX_' string.
| For example you can access 'DX_register_uri' by using $this->dx_auth->register_uri in controller.

// Registration
$config['DX_allow_registration'] = TRUE; 
$config['DX_captcha_registration'] = FALSE;

// Login
$config['DX_captcha_login'] = FALSE;

// URI Locations
$config['DX_logout_uri'] = '/auth/logout/';
$config['DX_register_uri'] = '/auth/register_user/';
$config['DX_forgot_password_uri'] = '/auth/forgot_password/';
$config['DX_change_password_uri'] = '/auth/change_password/';
$config['DX_cancel_account_uri'] = '/auth/cancel_account/';

// Forms view
$config['DX_login_view'] = 'auth/login_form';
$config['DX_register_view'] = 'auth/register_form';
$config['DX_forgot_password_view'] = 'auth/forgot_password_form';
$config['DX_change_password_view'] = 'auth/change_password_form';
$config['DX_cancel_account_view'] = 'auth/cancel_account_form';

// Pages view
$config['DX_deny_view'] = 'auth/general_message';
$config['DX_banned_view'] = 'auth/general_message';
$config['DX_logged_in_view'] = 'auth/general_message';
$config['DX_logout_view'] = 'auth/general_message';

$config['DX_register_success_view'] = 'auth/general_message';
$config['DX_activate_success_view'] = 'auth/general_message';
$config['DX_forgot_password_success_view'] = 'auth/general_message';
$config['DX_reset_password_success_view'] = 'auth/general_message';
$config['DX_change_password_success_view'] = 'auth/general_message';

$config['DX_register_disabled_view'] = 'auth/general_message';
$config['DX_activate_failed_view'] = 'auth/general_message';
$config['DX_reset_password_failed_view'] = 'auth/general_message';


and save... and finish :)
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